PVPWatch was established in 2005 to keep PV residents informed of the latest developments affecting the PV Peninsula
Address the topics of interest to the residents of the local Palos Verdes Peninsula
Hold accountable and evaluate the performance of the local elected officials based on criteria such as public safety, infrastructure, and education
Recommend positions on ballot measures and elections presenting both pros and cons
Mickey Rodich | President
Mickey lives with his wife Ruthann in RPV. Their 2 daughters live in RPV and their son lives in Utah. Mickey was born in Chicago and his wife was born in Minneapolis and they moved to RPV in 1968
C. J. Ruona | Editor
Kit and his wife Anne have lived in Rancho Palos Verdes since 1983. Their three adult children graduated from Rolling Hills High School.
David Koch | Treasurer
David lives with his wife, Shari, in Rancho Palos Verdes. Son & family live nearby. He grew up in Iowa, and moved to CA in 1962, to RPV in 2013.
Aaron Chan | Editor
Aaron lives with his wife, Bonnie in Rancho Palos Verdes. He grew up in Hong Kong, and moved to US in 1973, then to RPV in 1996.